Emotional Health

Pre-Performance Anxiety Greatly Improved By Acupuncture

Pre-Performance Anxiety Greatly Improved By Acupuncture

We often tell ourselves that nerves prior to a performance are normal. However, sometimes anxious feelings can have a negative effect. Whether it’s in a business or day to day life, if we’re too anxious , it can set us back from our goals. However, a new study seeking to combat anxiety in competitive athletes proves acupuncture can be effective. The Research As part of a trial by researchers at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 45 teenage athletes were split into three groups: acupuncture, sham acupuncture and wait-list control. Each participant completed an anxiety questionnaire and had their heart rate monitored

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Treating Anxiety Naturally

Treating Anxiety Naturally

People of all ages find it difficult to control their thoughts and maintain a balanced state of mind. Some people describe their mood as “anxious”. However there are differences between having anxiety and feeling everyday stressors. What is Anxiety? Anxiety it the assumption that in the near future, you or someone close to you will experience: More pain than pleasure Greater loss than Gain More negative than positive Greater drawback than benefit A lopsided perception has been created.  This imbalanced perception of reality leads to the symptoms we call anxiety. There are several types of anxiety, each have different features.

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