Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

This page is dedicated to answering the most commonly asked questions for you.

Have other people benefited from David's programs?

Due to the national guidelines for primary health professionals, David is not allowed to promote patient testimonials regarding the hundreds of patients he has helped with Acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

Read some of the experiences people have had in David’s Personal Training program.

How long does one session take?

Your initial assessment will take 20minutes. Depending on your plan Personal training sessions are 30-60 minutes.

What does an initial assessment involve?

In the health assessment. David assesses your major complaints and goals. This session allows you to ask questions and find out if you will benefit from a health care plan.

How do I start?

Apply for a health assessment here.

David’s schedule fills quickly, so we recommend applying as soon as possible to avoid going onto a waiting list.