Researchers found proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may stimulate growth of specific bacteria that increase a person’s chances of liver disease. PPIs are often used to reduce the amount of gastric acid (stomach acid). This sometimes helps the burning feeling caused when acid from the stomach travels up the esophagus. However they can lead to a more serious problems. The Research The University of California, San Diego School of Medicine in La Jolla conducted research that was published in Nature journal. Firstly, the results indicate that PPI medications promote the growth of a gut microbe connected to chronic liver disease. “Our stomachs
Read more →With the demands of modern living, it’s easy to forget about breakfast. A cup of coffee and you’re ready to face the world, right? Not so fast. Skipping breakfast can have an harmful effect on the cardiovascular system, according to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Eating a balanced breakfast is beneficial to the heart. While previous studies have shown avoiding breakfast may lead to childhood obesity. This new paper is the first to draw a parallel between breakfast and atherosclerosis. That’s the technical term for the hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to a
Read more →Regular meditation is said to calm the mind. However, thanks to a new study it’s said to shave years off a person’s brain. Researchers scanned the brains of 100 Americans (50 men and women) who meditate regularly, and 50 who don’t. By analysing the data from both sets, they were able to tell a person’s brain age based on its physical condition. The Results Those who didn’t meditate were shown to have brains the same as their age. For those who do? Their brains were 7.5 years younger. The Research The results published in NeuroImage journal, suggest the deep thinking
Read more →The Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis is seeing success treating emergency room patients with acupuncture. The hospital became the first in America to add acupuncture into its ER program two years ago. This was a way to reduce the amount of opioids administered to patients. Since hired, acupuncturist Adam Reinstein has treated patients from car accident injuries and kidney stone pain. “No matter what I’m treating them for, patients report feeling calmer, and less anxious” said Reinstein. The Research Titled “Acceptability, Adaptation, and Clinical Outcomes of Acupuncture Provided in the Emergency Department,” their paper was published in the Pain Medicine
Read more →Modern living is having a negative effect on our cardiac health. The issue of heart health is serious, but for those who are careful about what they eat and get exercise, those matters typically been less of a concern. New Research The MRC Clinical Services Centre at Imperial College London suggests athletic adults may be at risk of a heart disease diagnosis. In a study published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, researchers found those engaging in physical activity, and put demands on the body, may have a bigger heart. An enlarged heart is non-fatal but can display symptoms similar to a
Read more →It’s easy to dismiss the couple of extra pounds that you put on over vacation. But over the years, that type of weight gain can cause serious damage to your heart. The Research New research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests small weight gains alter the function and structure of the heart. This increases a person’s future risk of heart failure. Firstly, 1,262 adults with-out heart disease or any condition that may lead to heart disease were followed for seven years. Secondly, at the start and end of the study, MRI scans of the heart were
Read more →Couples looking to conceive via IVF are being urged to investigate products they use on a regular basis. New research shows that chemicals in flame retardant materials can cause infertility. The Research Firstly, Harvard researchers recruited 211 women being evaluated for IVF to take part in the study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives journal. Secondly, two urine samples were taken from participants for each IVF cycle and analysed for by-products of five flame retardant chemicals. Those women with the highest levels of the chemicals were: 10 percent less likely to have a successful fertilisation. 31% less likely to have an
Read more →Major concerns regarding our diet in the west emerged during the 1950s when the consensus on what constitutes healthy fat began. Gone was the idea that butter and lard were good for us, now they were labelled as the cause of heart disease and weight gain. The Sugar Lobby The truth about this sudden switch has only come to light recently. Researchers uncovered documents confirming that the sugar lobby paid to influence studies showing fat as the biggest threat to our health. At the same time, the food industry scrambled to find an alternative and discovered vegetable oils. Your Brains Worst Enemy Vegetable
Read more →It’s common knowledge that sugar isn’t good for us. However, artificial sweeteners have been seen as a healthy option for years. According to research from the Rammazini Institute, this is not true. The Research New results were published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health by researchers who tested Sucralose (Splenda) on mice. They fed them pre-natally in various increments. Firstly, researchers saw an increase in cancerous growth on male mice, a risk that grew as the dose increased. Secondly, the risk of leukemia was greater in male mice when doses of 2,000 to 16,000 ppm of Splenda
Read more →We often tell ourselves that nerves prior to a performance are normal. However, sometimes anxious feelings can have a negative effect. Whether it’s in a business or day to day life, if we’re too anxious , it can set us back from our goals. However, a new study seeking to combat anxiety in competitive athletes proves acupuncture can be effective. The Research As part of a trial by researchers at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 45 teenage athletes were split into three groups: acupuncture, sham acupuncture and wait-list control. Each participant completed an anxiety questionnaire and had their heart rate monitored
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