Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have had a long history treating tension headaches. Today, tension headaches are one of the most prevalent medical complaints in Australia. What Is a Tension Headache? Firstly, tension headache is characterized by frequent or continuous mild pain on both sides of the head, with a vise-like grip in the back of head or forehead. This can spread over the entire head and get worse toward the end of the day. It’s common for people to experience tension headache less than 15 days per month. When symptoms appear more than 15 days per month, they’re considered chronic.
Read more →Menopause is a time in woman’s life that can become highly stressful. Hot flashes, night sweats emotional changes and more cause physical and emotional discomfort. What is Menopause? Firstly, menopause is a time of physical and emotional change that results from a natural decline in ovarian function. Secondly, this is different from premature menopause where ovarian decline is brought on before age 40. Smoking, living in high altitude and a lack of dietary nourishment may cause this. Finally, this is different again from artificial menopause. Medical interventions such as chemotherapy and procedures that impair ovarian blood supply are causes. What
Read more →Millions of Australian’s experience Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) each year. You might be here because you’re struggling with IBS or you know somebody who is. Perhaps you have tried many strategies to discover nothing have helped you yet. What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Irritable bowel syndrome is abdominal pain or discomfort for at least three days per month within the past three months. Plus two or more of the following: Relief by defecation Change in frequency of stool Change in consistency of stool Other diseases are ruled out via a physical exam and tests before IBS is diagnosed. Western Medical
Read more →One morning when I was a young boy, I was woken by the sound of my father’s voice cursing over the sound of his lawn mower. I jumped out of bed to see what all the commotion was about and as I looked through my bedroom window, his eyes were half closed and he was agitated! My father is a hay fever sufferer along with over 4 million Australian’s and perhaps you are too! What is Hay Fever? Most people describe the irritating itchiness and sneezing as hay fever, however doctors call it allergic rhinitis. Hay-fever symptoms are caused from a
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