Health Care

Use of Acupuncture In The U.S Military On The Rise

Use of Acupuncture In The U.S Military On The Rise

Acupuncture use in the US Military is on the rise. The epidemic of prescription drug use in the United States has led the US military to take a serious look at the effectiveness of its pain and PTSD protocols. Acupuncture Use Increases In military bases across America and overseas, acupuncture is being put to use. Used primarily for PTSD and the treatment of pain, acupuncture is increasing for active duty members. In particular, auricular acupuncture is gaining a lot of traction for its ability to be performed quickly and in unstable circumstances. Battlefield Acupuncture Retired Air Force Colonel Richard Niemtzow,

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The Truth About Weight Loss

The Truth About Weight Loss

The internet and bookstores are filled with every possible diet and weight loss program. The purpose of this blog is to shed light on fat loss, and what works and what doesn’t. First of all Anyone can lose weight by limiting calorie intake to less than 1000 calories a day. Add exercise and most lose weight. The problem occurs when you start eating normally again. You gain all the weight back. The issue with this strategy is that the metabolism drops. Therefore, as soon as you eat normally again the body finds it harder to burn the extra calories because

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Can Analgesics Really Mess With The Mind?

Can Analgesics Really Mess With The Mind?

New evidence suggests over-the-counter analgesics may have more psychological effects than first thought. A few years back, researchers reported a side effect of paracetamol. It appeared to dampen emotional responses in men and women. A review of the literature at the University of California suggests ibuprofen may do the same thing, but only in women. The Research The study found that compared with those who took a placebo, women on ibuprofen report less hurt feelings from emotionally painful experiences. The opposite was true for men. “The findings are alarming,” says Assistant Professor Kyle Ratner. “Consumers assume when they take an over-the-counter pain medication, it

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