If you’re on the path to losing weight, then imagine the following…
You’re faced with one of two options for your afternoon snack; a chocolate bar or a pre-prepared fuit smoothie.
It’s a no brainer, right?
The smoothie is the far better option for shrinking the waistline, and in turn, lowering your risk of heart disease.
Think Again
New research published in BMJ Open confirms what many health professionals have believed: sugar content in fruit juices and smoothies are too high.
In addition, a new article was published titled, “How much sugar is hidden in drinks marketed to children?”
Firstly, researchers at the University of Liverpool and the University of London analysed sugar content per 100ml in 203 “healthy” drinks.
All were taken from supermarket chains and all were aimed at children.
The average sugar content across the board was 7g, and was significantly more in purer smoothies.
In fact, over 40% of products had 19g of sugar. For perspective, the typical daily sugar recommendations:
- Adult women – 5 teaspoons / 20g
- Adult men – 9 teaspoons / 36g
- Children – 3 teaspoons / 12g
The high dose of sugar in packaged smoothies and fruit juices undermine their status as a ‘health food.’
Sure, there are some benefits, as they contain some vitamins and minerals. The problem here is the quantity of sugar consumed at the same time.
Opening one of those 19g-sugar-smoothies is like drinking half a can of Coke.
The solution
Firstly, the study recommends “fruit should be consumed in its whole form, not as juice.
Finally, in order to help combat the growing problem of childhood and adult obesity, manufacturers need to stop adding sugars” or people need to stop buying them.
David L. Edwards is an author, Chinese medicine physician and acupuncturist. He is the author of The Body Fat Formula and The Pocketbook guide to Chinese medicine. David is the director of Barefoot Health and Wellness health programs.
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