Posts Tagged Heart Disease

The Heart Of The Problem

The Heart Of The Problem

In Chinese medicine, “heart disease” means quite a bit more than it does in Western medicine. Both medicines recognise what comes to mind when we hear the term “heart disease”: heart attack, cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease and more. These are the most serious heart problems, due to the deadly outcome of blood circulation blockages. In addition, Chinese medicine recognises other heart conditions that may appear benign in comparison, but still significantly impact quality of life. Furthermore, Chinese medicine has the potential to treat both serious and benign heart conditions. Inadequate Testing While tests such as the electrocardiogram (EKG) or

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Chinese Medicine Benefits Heart Disease Patients

Chinese Medicine Benefits Heart Disease Patients

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the western world.  Nutrition, exercise and medication are often assumed as the best method for reducing a person’s chance of a heart attack.  However, in recent years what the medical community agrees on what constitutes as “heart healthy” food has changed. So too are the benefits of rigorous exercise and cardiovascular medications such as aspirin are now being challenged. Fortunately, there are other viable options for heart disease patients that have stood the test of time. The Next frontier New research in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests, in concert with

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Chinese Herbal Formula Benefits Angina

Chinese Herbal Formula Benefits Angina

A herbal formula consisting of medicinal herbs has shown to be effective to treat coronary artery disease. According to literature published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal, researchers in Beijing reviewed the existing literature. The results highlight positive effects of the formula when taken by those suffering from angina. The Research The team analysed 19 randomised, controlled trials (RCTs). All of which involved 1730 patients with angina pectoris. A formula named Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang (GLXBBX) was administered to patients ranging 35 to 90 years of age. The treatment lasted between 2 to 6 weeks. All participants

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