What Do Heart Disease, Fatigue, Anxiety & Insomnia Have In Common?

What Do Heart Disease, Fatigue, Anxiety & Insomnia Have In Common?

The most common cause of ill health and disease in the western world is cardiovascular disease. The problem is, most people don’t realise they have it, until it’s much too late.

Heart Disease Develops Early

Heart issues begin at an early age caused by fevers that attack the heart. The reason mitral valve murmurs and tricuspid valve murmurs are ignored in western medicine is because they are classified as systolic murmurs and are considered unimportant. There’s no treatment in western medicine for this because there’s no money to be made.

Unless the valve fails completely then doctors will tell you that it’ll be a good idea to be close by to a hospital when that happens.

In Chinese medicine, this valve problem actually presents symptoms many years before more serious consequences take place. In fact, a patient doesn’t just get heart disease, it’s something that is developed over many years.

Heart disease cause symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, depression and insomnia (FADI).

The big problem is that, if a patient goes to their doctor because of such symptoms, they’ll usually end up on the serotonin drugs, but they’re manipulating brain chemistry, they’re not fixing the cause, which is the heart.

However, if they went through all the data and saw that 95% of people with these heart valve problems were also tired, anxious, depressed and can’t sleep well, they might consider them more serious.

Treatment of FADI in Western medicine

A = B = C

A is the cause (heart valve problems), however, it’s rarely treated in western medicine. Instead, Western medicine treats B, the brain chemistry to treat C, the anxiety and insomnia.

They’re treating B in order to affect C

The problem with treating B is that it doesn’t treat A. That’s why if you stop taking the serotonin re-uptake drugs, the fatigue, anxiety and depression will come back because the cause was never being treated in the first place.

Treatment of FADI in Chinese medicine

The Chinese have been talking about one of the major causes of FADI for over 2000 years. It’s a problem due to an inefficient blood flow through the heart, also known as blood stasis in the heart.

What does anxiety, depression and insomnia often look like? Lots of thoughts, the mind is twirling all the time. These people are very sensitive, cry at the TV commercials and often develop perky personalities to cover their sensitive side.

Chinese medicine has never been interested in treating symptoms, therefore in cases of FADI, herbal medicine and or acupuncture is used to treat the physical strength of the heart and support blood delivery through the heart in order to resolve symptoms.

The benefit of this approach is that once the underlying cause is resolved, the patient will be able to stand on their own two feet without the assistance of symptomatic drugs.

David L. Edwards is an author, Chinese medicine physician and acupuncturist. He’s the author of The Body Fat Formula and The Pocketbook guide to Chinese medicine. David is the director of Barefoot Health and Wellness health programs.

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